Gretel Evaluation is another tool that provides the functionality to generate synthetic tabular data. We also use their Gretel Score as an evaluation metric.

Installing Gretel Client

pip install gretel-client

If you are using Jupyter Notebook or Google Colab, please restart your kernel after installing the package.

from sdgne.evaluator.evaluator import GretelEvaluation

evaluator = GretelEvaluation(synthesized_data, minority_column_label, 
                                minority_class_label, gretel_api_key)
report = evaluator.run_gretel_quality_report()

Importing Gretel Evaluation

from sdgne.evaluator.evaluator import GretelEvaluation

Creating an evaluator

report = evaluator.run_gretel_quality_report()   


A dictionary containing the quality report generated by Gretel AI [7].

To generate Gretel Score for synthetic data using SDGnE, you'd require Gretel API Key.

Last updated